Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter Everyone! I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and Easter holiday. I woke up this morning and went to a beautiful church service. This weekend has been a rough one for me. On Friday, I began to feel slightly ill and on Saturday I woke up feeling completely terrible. I'm not sure if it's just the spring and allergy season or its something more but I definitely felt better this morning than I did yesterday so thats a good sign. It's my last week of classes for this school year, which is actually surreal! The time flies by so fast in college, maybe its because my schedule is so busy. I'm so excited to say that I'm almost done with my junior year and it has definitely been a tough one! Just one more year to go and I'll be out in the "real world".  My next adventure will occur during my summer in New York, I'm so excited. Stay Tuned. 
Until Next Time, 

Outfit of the Day:
Dress: Thrift
Blazer: Pitaya
Clutch: Current Boutique
Shoes: F21

1 comment :

  1. Happy Easter! Such a wonderful celebration and a wonderful outfit to match!!


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